From the very first sip to the last, you know it’s something special. Hot, fresh and wonderfully aromatic, Allegro Coffee guarantees flavor at its peak. Ours is a story of taste and tradidion-from bean to cup. We search the world for the highest quality beans and partner with growers from over 25 different countries who use traditional and sustainable methods when growing, harvesting and processing coffees. Great coffee can do great things which is why Allegro gives 5% of its net profits to support communities where our products are grown and to our local neighborhoods


Tear open a package of Allegro Fine Tea and experience the wonderful aroma and flavor of our ingredients. Our commitment to certified organics, quality, and freshness ensures the finest cup of tea, each and every time! Allegro Fine Teas are prepared with the finest ingredients from start to finish. We use only 100% certified organic leaves, herbs and all-natural flavors, and tea bags made from 100% biodegradable, naturally-bleached paper.



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